I miss pubs
I miss going to the pub. Like a lot of people in the UK, pubs have been a big part of my adult life (and, let’s be honest, a few non-adult years too) . But as someone who is often quite socially anxious and probably could be described as an extroverted introvert, there’s something about…
Some thoughts on ethical clothing
In April 2013, Rana Plaza, a garment factory in a Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1134 people. In the aftermath, the conditions and lack of safety protocols at the factory were exposed, along with the range of high-street brands who’d been having their clothes made there – which included Primark, Matalan, Mango, but also high-end brands like…
Edinburgh Quiet Spaces and Nice Places
Edinburgh Festivals quiet spaces and other places Here’s a map of some quiet spaces to work in and nice things to do in Edinburgh when the festivals get a bit much. It’s not comprehensive, I’m not an expert on Edinburgh or what you might need, but these are places and things I find help me…
Dance and writing labs
So about 4 jobs and 3 flats ago I started working on a project with my pal Jen Malarkey to give space to choreographers and people who write for the stage to spend time together. We spent a really long time, talking, thinking and trying to find the right partners that would support a model…
On development, dance, NPO things and… urgh.
I’m writing this on Wednesday 28 June 2017. Yesterday Arts Council England announced their National Portfolio of funded organisations for 2018 to 2022. The announcement saw 183 new organisations added to the portfolio – companies and organisations who have worked incredibly hard to achieve this. Some of them led by friends, some of them people…